Accidents and Illnesses
When your child is enrolled at St Thomas’, we will seek information from you which will enable us to act, as far as possible, in accordance with your wishes in instances of an accident or illnesses involving your child. Should there be any changes to a student’s health details, please contact the school office so that our records can be kept up-to-date.
The school supplies First Aid Kits for teachers to deal with minor accidents which occur in the playground. In cases of severe accidents or sudden illness, the school will endeavour to contact parents, then the local Ambulance. If a parent is unavailable, the school will take steps to have the Ambulance transport the child to hospital if necessary.
Medication at school cannot be administered to any child without the correct parental consent forms being completed. All medication will be stored in a locked cupboard in the school office. Medication must have attached to it a sticker (original label) from a chemist with the individual child’s name, instructions for administering medicine, use by date, doctor’s name, phone number, pharmacy name and phone number. Non-prescribed medications should not be brought to school and will not be administered by school staff.
Exclusive Diseases
The following is a list of exclusion periods for infectious diseases for children and staff of day care facilities, schools and preschools published by the Tropical Public Health Unit – Queensland Department of Health.
Access Information about Exclusion Periods (pdf – 21kb)
Student Care Insurance
Has your child had an accident or injury at school or in a school related activity such as inter-school sport or a school camp? If the answer is yes you may be entitled to claim for expenses under Catholic Education’s Student Care Insurance. It covers expenses such as medical costs (where the law allows), emergency transport, travel, home tuition and school fee relief.