Chess Program – Optional In-School Program
Extensive findings of world-wide research reveal the huge benefits for children learning to play chess. Participation in the chess program aims strengthen a child’s mental clarity, fortitude, stability and overall health through high quality chess coaching. We believe that chess can be used as a metaphor for life – You must be responsible for your actions, make a move, and plan ahead.
Coaching is based on the following pillars:
Determination: It is vital that we remain active and resourceful and never give up. We strive to teach the values of relentless determination.
Patience: An important attitude throughout life, which sets the foundations for success.
Discipline: A disciplined approach always comes with huge rewards. Applying ‘good practice’ principles provides an excellent foundation to build from.
Responsibility for our Actions: Take pride in your achievements with your wins and understand how you can improve with your losses.
Respect: Chess is a courteous game and the respect we give to our players is paramount both during a game and in the street.
An opportunity to participate in the Far North Queensland Chess tournament in Cairns are offered in Terms 1, 2 and 3
Instrumental Music Program – Optional In-School Program
Instrumental music lessons are an elective offered to students wishing to develop instrumental skills.
Learning to play an instrument is not only a rewarding experience, but a proven method of enhancement for academic studies and the rounded development of young students.
The program offers tuition on stringed instruments, keyboard, woodwind, brass and percussion.
Students attend lessons either individually or in a small group during the school day. The lesson times may be rotational or constant at the principal’s discretion. Lessons are delivered by either private tutors or staff employed with Catholic Education Services.
Junior and Senior Choir – Optional In-School Program
Research has shown the many benefits of learning music. It can help students’ self-confidence, self-discipline and team work. Music helps students progress
in other important learning areas such as Maths and English. Indeed, countries with a strong focus on music education tend to have higher scores in literacy and numeracy. Engaging music programs have been shown to help with attendance and can be particularly beneficial for students who are not achieving well in school. All this evidence for music’s extrinsic benefits make a strong case for music education but should not overshadow the sheer joy people experience making music, nor the value of the art form itself.
“I would teach children music, physics and philosophy; but more importantly music; for in the patterns of music and all the arts, are the keys to learning.”
– Plato